Religious Education at St. Joseph
Registration for the 2024-2025 PSR Classes and Confirmation classes are taking place now!
At our parish, PSR consists of weekly classes in religion for Catholic children who do not attend Catholic school. We have designed our program to help parents in their task of teaching their children the Catholic faith.
PSR meets on Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. during the regular public school year. Youth Mass is offered once a month and students take leadership roles. Please contact Kris Lowe, PSR Coordinator for more information.
Contact: Kris Lowe, PSR Coodrinator for more information
(573) 769-3270 or 573-406-9697
Parish Schools of Religion
Parish Schools of Religion (often referred to as “PSR”) provide catechetical instruction to children and youth who attend public schools, so that young people can grow in intimacy with Jesus, be knowledgeable about their faith, and integrate the teachings of the Gospel into their lives. Parish religion programs also prepare young people for the reception of first sacraments.
These programs are often facilitated by parishes with a team of Catechists who serve, pray with and teach children within the parish in a class setting. These Catechists volunteer with the support of the parish religious education standards and procedures.
Parish schools of religion typically consist of weekly classes in religion for Catholic children who do not attend Catholic school. These classes are designed to help parents in their task of teaching their children the Catholic faith.